Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cuckolded In The Motel Room, by maxam, illustrated, animated gif

My buddy Mel was old car collector and had found an 50 Ford in a small town he wanted to restore. But he needed to go there to bring it back on a trailer. However he didn't have powerful enough car or hitch and I did, so we decided to take my SUV and go get it. It would be a fun trip through the mountains and would mean an overnight motel stop on the way and another coming back. He called a motel he knew and booked it for the two required nights. I made a joke out of saying, "Two beds, right?" Mel laughed and said he didn't have the slightest interest in sleeping with me. We planned to go midweek to minimize the traffic while towing another vehicle on the trailer.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Company Picnic, illustrated, animated gif

Hi, my name is Jed. I've been married for two years to Julie who is without a lie one of the loveliest creatures upon the planet. Julie's had a strict Christian upbringing and unlike so many other nineteen-year-olds she made it to the altar as a virgin. As frustrating as it may have been at times to wait for our wedding night, I'm glad we did because it was absolutely fantastic! We are both young and we are working hard on establishing our careers.